It's not you, it's me. Oh wait, it's not me either.

It's not you, it's me. Oh wait, it's not me either.

Kitchen Climate Rally

On September 16, 2023, communities from around the globe joined in on Climate Rallies to voice their concern over Climate Change.

I participated in the Climate Rally in Kitchener, Ontario. It was a very moving event, and I walked away with a lot of my mind. 

Image of the Climate Rally at Victoria Park in Kitchener


Although my focus at Eco Shark is about eliminating our single-use waste on a personal level, I want to be clear that our Climate Crisis is NOT the fault of the fault of everyday people like you and me.

We've been raised in a society where the profits of corporations are valued over our natural resources and the health of our citizens, and we're all worked to the limit so we rely heavily on the convenience of disposable and single-use items (and are left exhausted with little personal time to rally against the system we're stuck in).


The reason why I started Eco Shark is because I needed to do SOMETHING about the direction our world is headed.  


Eco Shark's focus on eliminating single-use plastics from our homes is simply because in a reality where it's SO EASY to feel completely helpless, and where it's SO EASY to get overwhelmed with despair, changing our auto-pilot purchasing habits is a really easy way to start.

Not only that, but it also sets off a chain reaction of other benefits:

  • Healthier products for you and your family
  • Less waste in the environment, both from reduced packaging and the use of sustainable, non-toxic ingredients
  • Supporting small businesses which keep finances within your local community
  • Supporting women owned business which statistically reinvest in the community and are traditionally underserved 


I also find that for every eco friendly product you switch to and are thrilled with, you're motivated to keep trying more, reducing your impact with every product.


"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."    - Wayne Dyer. 


Taking notice of our habits, considering their impact, and then making small changes is huge. Painless eco swaps like switching to our reusable dryer sheets provide you with a great serotonin release for doing something positive and will encourage you to continue down the path of sustainability.

What's more, when people are happy with their products and new habits, they're very likely to share the information with those around them, influencing further change that exponentially grows.


So it may feel like Eco Shark is just an online store (albeit an online store with great stuff 😉) but to me, it's more than that.  It's a place where I can connect with my community of tree huggers, eco warriors, and change makers.  It's a place where I can share my enthusiasm and passion for sustainability, and it's a place where we can help spread the news and the joy of sustainable living. 

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